Joe Satriani astonishes
The newyorker and his band gave in Cordoba a concert to remember

Today I must confess I'm in love... Today I musicaly come out of the closet, to confess that this review, more than ever, is going to be very subjective. It's been 22 years following this great guitar player, since Legends of the Guitar in Seville, do you remember?
But first let's talk about Oli Brown and his band RavenEye. They were the opening act and stood up to the host. The British dispayed on stage the best of their style: a powerful mixture of 70's flavoured Rock and Blues (as Hendrix and Purple), with a hint of Soul. No doubt these guys have to be followed closely for their more than interesting repertory, which sounds grand in that "power trio" format. Songs like 'Coming For You' or 'Breaking out' won over the public and heated the athmosphere for the highlight of the night.
And then came Joe's time. Supported by Mike Keneally (keyboard, guitar), Bryan Beller (bass) and Marco Minnemann (drums), the guitar player from Westbury gave a splendid concert, in every possible way. Three days later he would turn 58, although that night he looked as young as ever. Could have been the full moon, one of the most impressive, as locals claim. The case is, he was very inspired, without missing a single note or finding the suitable variation just when he was swayed by improvisation, playing with a tune or a new cadence.
He started with 'Jumpin´ in', a theme I would dare to say "ordinary" on his new album Unstoppable Momentum, was the perfect opening. The good vibes he transmits, the various changes within the same song, the breaks that spread pure energy... And with no time to think 'Devil´s Slide', which I liked more in this "organic" version than the electonic one of Engines of Creation (2000). One of my favorites and the reason I forgive him for leaving out 'War'(The Extremist, 1992).
Each had space to prove his talent, with special reference Mike Keneally, who stars memorable guitar "duels". We reached a peak with the first big classic of the night. I mean 'Satch Boogie', although is on the same album (Surfing with the Alien, 1987) as 'Ice 9', in my opinion they play in different leagues. A little later, Joe plays 'Cryin´', great ballad, which proves again that speed is not everything. That's why, during his career, the sustained note melodies, have also been very important. Then comes that change in the middle part... Sheer feeling, goosebumps, for how many times tonight?
So, I've already warned you this was not going to be an objective review! Let's go straight to the end of the concert (skipping Marco Minnemann's great drum solo) because little I could say would live up to what we saw or heard. and the famous 'Surfing with the Alien' for the official closure.What else could we ask for? The oldest enjoyed ourselves like small children. Of course we didn't want to go home! We asked for an other and there came two more, that left the gig on the very top, where it belonged! 'Crowd Chant' was sung along and there came 'Summer Song', the perfect closure that this great night of instrumental rock deserved.
Oli Brown & RavenEye
- 1.- 'Get it Started'
- 2.- 'Breaking Out'
- 3.- 'Sticks and Stones'
- 4.- 'You Got It'
- 5.- 'Hey Hey Yeah'
- 6.- 'Run Away'
- 7.- 'Miss Leading'
- 8.- 'Coming For You'
Joe Satriani
- 1.- 'Jumpin´ In'
- 2.- 'Devil's Slide'
- 3.- 'Flying in a Blue Dream'
- 4.- 'Unstoppable Momentum'
- 5.- 'The Weight of the World'
- 6.- 'Ice 9'
- 7.- 'The Crush of Love'
- 8.- 'Lies and Truths'
- 9.- 'Satch Boogie'
- 10.- 'Shine On American Dreamer'
- 11.- 'Cryin´'
- 12.- 'Time Machine'
- 13.- 'Always with Me, Always with You'
- 14.- 'Surfing with the Alien'
- 15.- 'Crowd Chant'
- 16.- 'Summer Song'
Text: Alex Belencoso / Photography: Luisa Barbu
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